Ever tried building an AI assistant? (and gave up?)

Learn to build, train and optimize CustomGPTs and Claude Projects

Let me guess...

You've tried creating custom AI assistants before, but:

  • The instructions were too complex

  • The results were inconsistent

  • You weren't sure what steps to take next

You're not alone. Most people overcomplicate AI training, trying to build perfect systems from day one.

But what if you could build effective AI assistants using a simple, proven process?

That's exactly what I'm teaching in next week's BOTcraft™ Challenge.

Early Bird ends soon: Get in for $97 (regular price $147) and receive lifetime replay access.

Talk tomorrow,

Jonathan Mast, Founder
White Beard Stragegies LLC

P.S. Whether you use ChatGPT or Claude, this process works. No coding required.